Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Saturday, October 9, 2010

please no high blood pressure

i woke this morning to a headache. it was only there when i stood up. i figured it was because we stayed up last night to watch the extra innings in the brave's game. chris had eggs and bacon ready for us when i came downstairs and after breakfast i decided to get some homework out of the way.
after sitting for 30 or 45 minutes on the couch with the laptop i realized my hands and feet were swollen. i could barely make a fist! that was when i began to be worried that my blood pressure was getting high. so i laid down and drank lots of water. the kids took turns bringing me water. i wanted to get my bp checked at publix and the kids wanted to go to the gym. i was feeling a bit better but still rather icky at this point. and so it wasn't a big surprise to me that at publix my bp was 10 points higher on top and on bottom. at the gym i paid for a 30 minute massage but the massage therapist and i got into discussing the muscles of the back, neck, and head- and so it turned into 45 minutes:) and i think i'll nail that portion on the muscle quiz this wednesday.
i feel much better now. there is still a ghost of a headache there- but nothing like this morning.

i REALLY don't want this pregnancy to end with an induction for high blood pressure. i just have to really be mindful of rest and hydration.


  1. Elizabeth-
    I swelled up horribly the day before I went into labor with Alegria. I was swollen up to my knees. I have never had such terrible swelling with any other pregnancy. From my understanding this is not that uncommon with moms caring babies with T13, but I never heard what the actual cause was. I kept my legs VERY elevated and drank lots of fluids which helped a lot, and then I went into labor the next morning. Hope your swelling goes down!!!

  2. Liz,
    We are neighbors to Dave and Rose. We are praying fervently for you. As a mother of 7 (2 with Jesus) I feel that I understand a teensy bit what you are going through. My mother's heart reaches out to you. May Jesus and His Mother be with you, and you tell Jedi's guardian angel to be doing some serious interceding for him and you.
    Sure love ya


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