Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Five days

what a long night last night was. just before bed jedi stopped
breathing a couple times. he just turned dark. i massaged him, spoke
to him, prayed. he finally picked back up. even with the apnea
monitor on my sleep was patchy.
his breathing now is shallow and eratic. he looks tired. when he was
having those episodes last night and i had him revived i whispered to
him "thank you for coming to visit me. i am so honored to be your mom."
i am. every thing i do for this least of His people, i do for Him.
massaging his eyes to work the eye boogers loose, moistening his mouth
with a tiny wet sponge, massaging his tiny body with oil, feeding him,
changing his diaper, keeping him close and warm, drinking water and
eating enough food so that i may produce enough milk for him- every
action of mine in these last few days have been for and about him and
i have never felt so complete.
chris is so in love. he holds jedi and does his night feedings
through his exhaustion with such a tenderness. he talks to him, even
though at the hospital, jedi failed his hearing test. andchris has
been there, in a special way, for me. he is such a strong support. i
thank God for him.


  1. Between Shower of Roses and God's Canvas, I have found your blog. I am pulled everyday to check on your precious family. The grace you are providing to others is immeasurable! You are in our prayers. Thank you for your gift of love and sharing that gift with all of us! Jedi - you have touched many!

    Whatever God's plan for you today is, many you feel the peace, comfort, and love of God guiding you along the way! You are true servants of God. May God Bless You and Yours!

    Prayer Companion,
    Marylu from Minnesota

  2. Liz, I will try to call today. God be with you and your sweet babe

  3. We continue to pray for you guys everyday.
    Yes, Chris is a good man, I am so glad you have him by your side.
    Give Jedi a kiss from me and tell him I love him too.
    God Bless you and continue to give you strength.

  4. Jedi is blessed to be cloaked in love 24/7. I'm walking this path with you in prayer...

  5. Goodness Elizabeth, God is with you...

    And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

  6. Dear Elizabeth,

    Your blog is a true love story, and this post is particularly moving. Thank you for sharing your story. Jedi, you, Chris and all your family are in my daily prayers.

    God bless,

  7. God bless you, Elizabeth and Chris. Jedi is blessed to be with you and your family. In taking such tender care of Jedi, indeed, you're taking care of our Lord Jesus. As I read in one of your blog notes once, and it remains with me today, "What would Mary do?" IMO, you are doing what Mary would do.

    May the peace of our Lord and His Mother be with you all.

    Prayerfully yours,

  8. You are amazing parents!!! Stay strong together, Jedi will bring you an even deeper and stronger love...God Bless you all!


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