Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Friday, July 30, 2010


jedidiah had hiccups yesterday. with the other kids it was such a small milestone- that actually annoyed me at times. they would pick up just as i was falling asleep and seemed to last forever!
but i can't imagine thinking jedi's hiccups are annoying in the slightest.
life is a gift.


  1. It is the best time to let the kids feel the belly because they last for awhile!
    I remember watching my shirt move up and down because they were so strong! Jedi is so STRONG!! I love that adjective describing him!

  2. <3 I remember that feeling. I should have cherished it more, too.


  3. his kicks have gotten stronger as of late, and they are also farther reaching. i think he's really stretching out in there!


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